October 04, 2005

Smile, we want to catch you

Ross Clark is attempting to defend speed cameras. He is being an idiot, and knows that is exactly what is going to be said about him, so at least he has the courage to say it. Even if it does make him an idiot. But apparently it is us Liberal bloggers who are mistaken since we "can’t work out how anyone can be in favour of liberty and speed cameras." Well no, I certainly cannot work out how penalising a useful, common, and socially accepted behaviour which harms nobody either by a fine, removing their mode of transport (and so possibly employment), or even their liberty can possibly enhance peoples liberty.

Libertarians should welcome the use of this technology because it gives motorists greater protection against miscarriage of justice: would they really prefer it if we went back to the old system, where motorists could be fined for speeding on the word of a police officer, with no evidence to back it up?
Why, when the whole 'crime' of speeding should not even be on the statutes in the first place. We should be thankful that the eniter process has been automated so that the maximum number of people can be prosecuted for the minimal amount of effort on the part of the state for something that shouldn't even be a crime? No thanks. All this is justified by the great canard that is always implied whenever anybody tries to defend the speed laws that everybody speeding kills somebody. This is obviously not true, since it would be in the millions daily, and there are already a very large number of laws to deal with any deaths whether they involve motor vehicles or not.


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